Django Sendgrid Tracking

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Sendgrid Mail tracking for Django, store sendgrid tracking info into django models.

This library allows to track the email sent using Sendgrid by storing information collected from a webhook into django models.



  • Python version 3.6+
  • Sendgrid account and API configuration

Environment Variables

This library uses django-sendgrid-v5 which requires the following in your

EMAIL_BACKEND = "sendgrid_backend.SendgridBackend"

You can find more information and other settings here

In addition to that the DATALAKE_STORAGE allows you to dump in a file the raw message received from SendGrid for future analysis. You should set it as the path reference to a storage class (e.g. BotoS3 to dump into an S3 bucket)

DATALAKE_STORAGE = 'settings.storages.MyStorageClass'

If not defined raw message won’t be saved, DB objects for (e.g. notifications, ..) will be updated in any case.

Install package

Install the library with pip

$ pip install django-sendgrid-tracking

Quick Start

Below the steps to start using django-sendgrid-tracking in your django project using your sendgrid account.

Enable django

To enable django_sendgrid_tracking in your project you to add it to INSTALLED_APPS in your projects file


Run django migrate to create django-sendgrid-tracking related models

$ python migrate

In addition to that you need to expose for sendgrid the webhook endpoint

from django.conf.urls import url
from django_sendgrid_tracking import views

urlpatterns = [
    url(r'sendgrid_webhook', views.event_hooks, name='sendgrid_webhook'),

Enable sendgrid

Now you need to provide this endpoint URL to Sendgrid from the console (Setting -> Mail Settings -> Event WebHook):


In this case your webhook would be available at N.B. remember to append a slash at the end of it since it will be a POST request

Use cases

The most simple use case would be to analyse internal statics or troubleshoot pitfall in the application flow. As an example we can see for which reason a particular user didn’t confirm the email address


sent_email = SentMail.object.filter(
# True the user opened the email
# False the user didn't click on the confirmation link
# Maybe something is wrong with the content of the email?

Another use case is in the case of referral program we can show the user the status of the sent invitation



(example from


django-sendgrid-tracking is a library extracted from different website implemented by the author in django

If you’ve instead found a bug in the library or would like new features added, go ahead and open issues or pull requests against this repo!

Any contribution is appreciated!! (see CONTRIBUTING)

Indices and tables